Andres Martinez, PhD

Research Engineer, IIHR—Hydroscience & Engineering
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

My work focuses in the area of environmental contaminant fate and transport modeling, with emphasis in analyzing and simulating the behavior of organic pollutants in urban, remote and industrial areas. My expertise includes environmental sampling, analytical chemistry, statistical analysis and multimedia modeling.

Mainly, I use passive samplers to determine persistence organic pollutants (POPs) in sediment pore water, as well as in air, and look at the partition between sediment and freely dissolved phase. I’m also interested in the soluble release of POPs from the bed sediment to the overlying water.Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

  • Ampleman, Martinez, DeWall, Rawn, Hornbuckle, Thorne (2015) Inhalation and dietary exposure to PCBs in urban and rural cohorts via congener-specific measurements Environmental Science & Technology 49(2):1156-1164
  • Liang, Martinez, Hornbuckle, Mattes (2014) Potential for polychlorinated biphenyl biodegradation in sediments from Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal International biodeterioration & biodegration 89, 50-57
  • Martinez, O''Sullivan, Reible, Hornbuckle (2013). Sediment pore water distribution coefficients of PCB congeners in enriched black carbon sediment Environmental Pollution 182, 357-363
  • Marek, Martinez, Hornbuckle (2013) Discovery of hydroxilated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) in sediment from lake MIchigan waterway and original commercial Aroclors Environmental Science & Technology 47(15):8204-8210
  • Petrich, Spak, Carmichael, Hu, Martinez, Hornbuckle (2013) Simulating and explaining passive air sampling rates for semivolatile compounds on polyurethane from passive samplers Environmental Science & Technology 47(15):8591-8598
  • Martinez, Erdman, Rodenburg, Eastling and Hornbuckle (2012) Spatial distribution of Chlordanes and PCB congeners in soil in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA Environmental Pollution 161:222-228
  • Martinez and Hornbuckle (2011) Record of PCB congeners, sorbents and potential toxicity in core samples in Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal Chemosphere 85(3): 542-547
  • Hu, Martinez and Hornbuckle (2011) Sedimentary Records of Non-Aroclor and Aroclor PCB mixtures in the Great Lakes Journal of Great Lakes Research 37(2):359-364
  • Martinez, Wang and Hornbuckle (2010) Fate of PCB Congeners in an Industrial Harbor of Lake Michigan Environmental Science & Technology 44(8):2803-2808
  • Martinez, Norström, Wang and Hornbuckle (2010) Polychlorinated biphenyls in surficial sediment of Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal, Lake Michigan Environment International 36(8):849-854
  • Hu, Lehmler, Martinez, Wang and Hornbuckle (2010) Atmospheric PCB congeners across Chicago Atmospheric Environment 44(12): 1550-1557
  • Hu, Martinez and Hornbuckle (2008) Discovery of non-Aroclor PCB (3, 3’-dichlorobiphenyl) in Chicago air Environmental Science & Technology 42(21):7873-7877

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Headshot of Andres Martinez
PhD, Environmental Engineering, The University of Iowa, 2010
MS, Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London, 2004
BS, Biochemical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile 1997
Contact Information

4105 Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States